I find the Universe to be so magical and mysterious. And part of the magic and mystery of the Universe is how it brings us signs and messages that help guide us on our journey. These signs and messages can appear in many different ways and one of the most common manifestations of this phenomena is through numbers. Repetitive and consecutive numbers. You may see repeating numbers appearing on the clock/phone, on license plates, advertisements, house numbers, receipts, money amounts, and in other ways. Seeing repeating numbers can mean many different things to many different people, but if you’re anything like me, you might believe you’re seeing them for a reason. A synchronistic reason. And you may even believe they are being shown to you from a much higher source. So, what is the significance of seeing repeating numbers and what exactly do they mean? You’re about to find out! P.S. keep in mind the following meanings may not ring true for you, so it’s important to use your own discernment and trust your own inner knowing. The answers are always within you. |
Vanessa Marie Dewsbury
Wellness Blog Archives
December 2023